The nameless ones (anamikas)

Jyoti Lanjewar

Begging won’t get anything here

not sympathy, not love

A suit in court wins injustice,

Tears are of no value,

Getting water is a struggle,

Wrapping yourself in smoke from a dead fire won’t work

You have to plant the cinder of revolt in your own body.

At times there is a firefly of revolt flickering -maybe

counterfeit –

But at those times give it outside air to see if it glows.

“The revolution will come through poetry”

Once I accepted that.

But poetry does not live by making revolution.

The same faithless faces of yesterday

extend the hand of friendship

while wounding with a sword…….. and

in their struggle with the enemy were

made impotent.

They burned houses down with words

But after the house burned, the words died.

For the sake of the poetry of humanity

one must be so very human,

But they change with the wind…….

And these green parrots of the dry desert turn out to be

a mirage.

They turn their eyes where they wish, according to their

own convenience.

When there is no strength

in their own wings

They find the convenient words

to cut the wings of others.

They make palaces of words!

But I have seen them crumble.

“Kala Ram” and “Chawdar Tank” –

the history of pain

is carved on each of our hearts

But even if they could carve words on water

The Indrayani will not save them.


Eleanor Zelliot’s translation of Jyoti Lanjewar’s poem ‘anamikas.  Jyoti Lanjewar is a professor of Marathi in Nagpur university. “The nameless ones” is a criticism of those within the Ambedkar movement itself. Kala Ram and Chawdar Tank are places that witnessed Satyagraha between 1930-1935. The last line of the poem refers to the poet saint Tukaramwho threw his poems into the Indrayani river at the behest of critical brahmins.

Source: Images of women in Maharashtrian literature and religion.

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